Olivia Chapman Olivia Chapman

Why Podiatry?

Why Podiatry?

It’s possibly one of the most frequently asked questions that I get asked as a podiatrist. The truth is - I can’t exactly pinpoint why I ended up choosing podiatry. When I was finishing year 12, I chose law and accepted the first-round offer. But for some reason, I pulled out and picked podiatry.

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Olivia Chapman Olivia Chapman

When should I see a podiatrist?

When should I see a podiatrist?

A lot of people come into their appointment and say "I’ve never been to a podiatrist before". Quite often, they’re absolutely in the right place. If the concern has anything to do with your feet, ankles or legs, then you’re in good hands. Podiatry is a specialised allied health profession that assesses, diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the foot, ankle and leg.

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Olivia Chapman Olivia Chapman

Plantar Fasciitis - What is it? How do I get rid of it?

Plantar Fasciitis - What is it? How do I get rid of it?

The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. It attempts to maintain your arch and helps your foot propulse forward. It’s actually a really important player in your biomechanics! Typically pain first starts in the morning or after sitting down. You get up from your desk to get a coffee and you’re quickly reminded of that annoying pain in your heel.

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